


Monday, February 22, 2010

Area 51- FPS

Area 51 is a first person shooter with its action set in U.S. government's most top-secret and secure reasearch facility located in the Nevada desert. You are playing as Lt. Nick Cross, a specialist in biological hazardous waste. While on investigation, Lt. Cross comes across alien creatures and becomes infected with a biological mutation gene that transforms him in something not too human. To survive and to save the earth, he must fight and solve the mistery of Area 51.

-single player campaign within 8 massive sections of Area 51
-15 human and alien weapons plus equipment to help him in his fight
-cross alien-enhanced abilities due to the infection
-multiplayer in split-screen, network or online
-different game modes including Deathmatch

Watch gameplay video:

Minimum system requirements:

-Windows 2000/XP
-Intel Pentium III 1.4GHz or AMD Athlon 2000+ or Sempron 2200+ Processor
-256MB RAM
-64MB ATi Radeon 9500 or nVidia GeForce 3 Class Video Card
-DirectX 9.0b
-DirectX compatible Sound Card
-3GB Hard Disk Space

Download link:
Click here.

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