


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What Makes You Tick - Adventure

"What Makes You Tick?" tells the story of a young man named Nathan who has been sent by his university to deliver an important message to a retired professor. However, while searching around the professor's last known residence, Nathan discovers that he's not the only one seeking the old man and his brilliance.

Originally released in May 2007, "What Makes You Tick?" was a freeware game by Matthias Kempke built using Greg MacWilliam's original Lassie game engine (built on Macromedia Director). Following its release, Tick quickly received wide recognition as an outstanding independent developer achievement by sources including BBC Entertainment and PC Gamer Magazine, and has remained a popular indie title since.

The original "What Makes You Tick?" has been left poorly supported on modern systems as time and technology move on. Keeping the spirit alive, Matt and Greg worked to modernize the original "What Makes You Tick?" into an online-playable adventure powered by the Stitch engine (built on Adobe Flash). Rereleased in January 2012 as a freeware game, the modernized version introduces licensed music, improved interface features, and presentational continuity with Stitch.

Watch gameplay video:

Official link:

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